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Reduction in poverty has been the priority agenda in India’s development programme. The ‘Garibi hatao slogan of Mrs. Indira Gandhi in post 1970 is fresh even today in the minds of every Indian. It marked the beginning of an intensified approach to help the poor as reflected in a wide range of programmes for direct intervention to help the poor like the agricultural labourers, small and marginal farmers, rural artisans and dalits. These programmes had a significant impact on the public distribution system with a wide rural coverage, improvement in rural amenities and infrastructures like roads, schools, health centers and banking system.

Rural Micro Finance and Micro Enterprise

SKU: 9789350560617
  • Author: S.K. Chaudhury

    ISBN: 9789350560617


    Binding: H.B

    1st Edition: 2012

    Pages: 228

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