Enterprises function simultaneously at numerous levels. Successful companies and organisations effectively inter-relate these levels of activities into a cohesive and resultoriented whole with the help of a well thought out and systematically implemented communication system for both internal and external use. This is the essence of corporate communication and promotion. This collection of papers presents profiles and capsuled analyses of the vast spectrum of ways and means in which, first, management communicates with employees and peer groups and, secondly, projects and promotes itself and its corporate objectives to increase profitability. The subjects dealt with include personal and inter-personal communication, correspondence at various levels, organisational promotion for bodies such as chambers of commerce, participation in trade fairs and similar events, and the deployment of printed material and audio-visual communications. As such, the volume will be useful for all management students and executives.
Corporate Communication and Promotion Management
SKU: 9788183569095
- Singh & Bhattacharya