Contents: New Economic Policy and Cooperatives: Problem and Prospects, What Ails Co-operative Societies in India, Co-operative Sugar Mills in Tamil Nadu, Towards Alleviation of Poverty: Co-operative and Dairy Development, Natural Resources and Co-operation, Marketing Co-operatives in India, Strengthening Co-operatives in Tribal Areas, Role and Performance of Dairy Co-operatives in Rural Development, Fisheries Co-operatives in Orissa: A Case Study of Financing Beach Landing Crafts in Ganjam District (Orissa), Women Co-operation and Rural Enterprise Development, Problems and Prospects of Primary Handloom Weavers? Co-operative Societies in Orissa, Issues and Problems of Co-operatives in India, Agricultural Financing and Problems of Overdues, Co-operative Movement in India, Rural Development Through Diary Co-operatives, Housing Finance in India.
Co-operatives for Rural Development
- S.N. Tripathy