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Description:- Primary education occupies the most important place in the ladder of education. The progress and achievement in the higher stages of education depends upon the effectiveness of the primary education. Keeping the objectives of education and teacher education at primary stage the new Teacher Training Course of one year duration was started during the academic year 1975-76 as approved by the Government of Andhra Pradesh, vide G.O.Ms. No. 169, Education, dated 16th May 1975. This is an important change in the field of primary teacher education to raise the quality of teachers at primary and upper primary level. The Teacher Training Institutions are renamed as District Institutes of Education and Training (DIET) with effect from 28-10-1989. To strengthen the primary teacher training programme, National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT) and NCTE advised the state Governments to change the duration of the teacher training programme from one year to two years Course namely Diploma in Education (D.Ed.), vide G.O.Ms. No.502, dated 11-11-1998. The DIET is designed to improve and enrich the academic background of elementary school teachers, non-formal and adult education functionaries and other personnel at the lowest level of the educational system.At present the DIETs are given the responsibility of providing pre-service training at primary level. Hence, there is every need to look into the status of DIETs from various angles and to study the achievement on the basis of Psycho-Sociological factors of student teachers.

Achievement of Primary School Pre-Service Teachers

SKU: 9788183563185
  • V.G. Reddy

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