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Contents-: Introductory; The Behavior of the Lower Animals; Behavior of Insects; Behavior of the Vertebrates; The Instincts of the Mammals and of Man; Habit and Intelligence in Animals; Behavior of the Natural Man; Perceptual Thinking; Attention and Interest; Imagining-Anticipating-Recollecting; Emotion; The Derived Emotions; Disposition, Temper, Temperament, and Moods; Belief and Doubt; Growth of Mental Structure: The Development of Cognitive Structure or Intellect; Reasoning and the System of Beliefs; Growth of Mental Structure. The Development of Sentiments, The Organization of Character.

A Textbook of Psychology

SKU: 9788171415052
  • Author: William McDougall

    Subject: Education

    ISBN: 9788171415052

    Binding: H.B

    1st Edition:

    Reprinted: 2023

    Pages: 480

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