Description:- Human diseases are mostly the result of heridity, environment and food. We cannot change heridity and partly environment, but it is very easy to change food habits according to requirement. So, knowledge of what we eat is very important not only in health aspect but also in economy. Many people in this society need the help of this subject. Many courses are offered around the globe on nutrition. Many good standard books are also at the disposable of the students and general readers. The students, along with the general readers, have to go through many volumes to have a comprehensive knowledge about food and nutrition. Under these circumstances, this book with all items at one point came into the hands of the needy. The book covers, almost in detail, every aspect related to nutrition. The students, the nutritionists, the dietecians, etc., can happily utilize this book to serve their varied purposes and will come out with flying colours. This book covers the course works of Food, Nutrition, Home Science, Nursing, etc., of B.Sc., M.Sc. and Research degrees.
A Text Book of Nutrition
Author: Vidya & D.B Rao
Subject: Food Science/ Nutrition
ISBN: 9788171413096
Binding: H.B
1st Edition: 1999
Reprinted: 2022
Pages: 438