This book offers a wealth of knowledge and insights in the field of petroleum geology. With its inclusion of research papers, reviews, and articles contributed by global experts, the book serves as an essential resource for students, professionals, and researchers alike. By exploring topics such as geomorphology and emerging trends in the field, the book provides a comprehensive overview of the discipline, enhancing our understanding of the formation, distribution, and extraction of oil and gas resources.The book serves as a comprehensive reference for geologists working in exploration and production companies. It provides them with the necessary knowledge and tools to understand the geological processes controlling hydrocarbon reservoirs and make informed decisions in resource evaluation and development. Reservoir engineers involved in optimizing production and maximizing hydrocarbon recovery will find valuable insights in this book. It offers a geoscientific perspective on reservoir characterization, simulation, and management, enabling engineers to enhance field performance and economic viability.
Petroleum Geology
Author: Selvin Fernandes
ISBN: 9788119365258
Binding: H.B
1st Edition: 2024
Pages: 266